Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Romans 8:1

Here is how it all started. It may seem odd to aproach God like a "job that needs gettin done", but that is how I did it. I can still remember the day. I was driving, and my wife was in the sleeper of the truck. She said "I'm going to take this time on the truck to study God". For some reason I thought to myself "I could do that". I don't think I said anything to her about my decision to "get God done", I just started doing it. I changed the sattelite radio station to a christian talk channel that I had tuned into a couple of times and began to listen to a program that caught my attention. I tackled it with a furry. I was determined to get "it". Whatever "it" was. I had dabbled, played with, skated around, and just down right stuck my big toe in more than once, and I was bound and determined that this time it was going to be the real McCoy so to say. What happened next was to set me on a path that would years later, lead me and my wife to a move to Cheyenne, Wy. I happened to be listening to the radio program Way of the Master with Ray Comfort and Kirt Cammeron. What they were doing was presenting the gospel in a way that I had never before in my life heard.
They said "Gods law (the 10 commandments) was to be used as a mirror to show us our sins". Ray then went on to ask some basic questions. "Have you ever told a lie"?
The person they were interviewing said "of course"
I thought to myself "of course I have. In fact, probably today".
Then he said "what do you call someone who tells lies"?
The person on the radio said "a liar".
I hadn't thought of it that way.
Then He asked "have you ever stolen anything"?
They replied "yeah, but it was a long time ago".
What do you call someone who steels, Ray said.
I guess a theif replied the man.
Thats harsh I thought.
Ray then said "when you steel something, irrespective of its size or worth, you are breaking Gods law and not just mans.
Then he asked "have you ever murdered someone"?
I think both me and the guy on the radio were relieved by this question because we could both say uconditionally "nope".
Then Ray said "Jesus said in Matthew that if you hate someone, you have commited murder in your heart".
I didn't know what to think at this point. I was begining to feel a little uneasy about what a good person I thought I was.
I knew I had blown the one about adultry, and oh yeah, that whole honor your Father and mother thing hadn't worked out to well for me either.
Then Ray said "so, according to your own admission, your a lying, thieving, murderer. So when you die, will you go to heaven or hell?
I was stunned. I had never seen myself that way. Not only had I broken some of the commandments, but in all honesty, I had broken them all. Is this how God was seeing me? I actually was begining to see myself the way God was seeing me and I didn't know how to fix it. All of my best efforts had, at very best, been an absolute failure, and at worst, condemned me. I knew that I wasn't the best guy in the world, but I had thought I had cleaned myself up quite a bit and was a pretty good guy now, but wow! Then I thought, now what? This is all quite eye opening, but if I can't be good, how am I going to get to heaven?
Then Ray said something I will never forget. He said "in order to be saved you must repent and turn away from your sins and turn to God. You must put your trust in Jesus to save you. It is one thing to say I believe in parachutes and another to put one on and jump out of a plane".
I realized for the first time in all these years that I had been saying "I believe in Jesus", but I had never put him on like a parachute and jumped.
I had to know more. Over the next few months, I listened, read, studied, asked questions, and prayed. God began to reveal to me things I had never seen before. And then "it" happened. I was at mom and dad Millers sitting at the table and all of a sudden I knew I was saved. It wasn't something anyone had said or did. I just knew that I had been plucked from hell by grace. Not because of anything I had done, but because of what Jesus had done. I wept.

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